December 16, 2021
Kennedy Elyse Tripp has been selected by her teachers as our “ Young Citizen of the Month” for December . This honor, sponsored by the Greencastle-Ant...

December 10, 2021
The Spelling Bee winners will move to the Central PA Spelling Bee .
Benjamin Vincent Belleau Brielle Hannah Boyer Gavin Michael High Gabriel Thomas Highbarger...

December 7, 2021
The criteria for selection include being courteous, polite, respectful, helpful to peers and supportive of all staff. Overall, they make our school a better place.
The 6 th...

December 2, 2021
Winter Spirit Week December 13 - December 17 Monday, December 13 - Holiday Head to Toe Day (hats and socks) Tuesday, December 14 - Holiday Sweater Day Wednesday, Decembe...

November 24, 2021
Georgia Meals has been selected by herteachers as our “ Young Citizen of the Month” for November . This honor, sponsored by the Greencastle-Antrim Excha...

November 16, 2021
Attention GAMS families.
A Journey Worth Remembering.
To purchase a Middle School yearbook click here . Yearbook Flyer here .

November 8, 2021
School Fundraiser Update
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you and our community for supporting Greencastle-Antrim Middle School during our annual scho...

November 2, 2021
GAMS Good Guys & Gals - November 2021 The criteria for selection include being courteous, polite, respectful, helpful to peers and supportive of all staff. Overall, they make ...

October 29, 2021
Noah Parks has been selected by his teachers as our “ Young Citizen of the Month” for October . This honor, sponsored by the Greencastle-Antrim Exchan...

October 22, 2021
Red Ribbon Week - "Hand-in-Hand we Take a Stand Against Drugs" October 25 - 29, 2021 Red Ribbon Week flyer here .

October 18, 2021
Franklin County Career & Technology Center OPEN HOUSE (8th Grade Students)
DATE: Tuesday, November 16, 2021
5:00-6:00 p.m. - Explore Business, Post-S...

October 5, 2021
Guys and Gals for the month of October.
The criteria for selection include
being courteous, polite, respectful, helpful to peers and supportive of all
staff. ...

September 21, 2021
Spirit Week
Check out our Spirit Week Events for this year!
Monday, October 4th - Friday, October 8th.
Event Flyer here .

September 20, 2021
The contest is open to all students in grades 5-8.
All students are invited to participate and learn more about the educational programs the DAR (Daughters of the American Revo...

September 13, 2021
School Fundraiser Update
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you and our community for supporting Greencastle-Antrim Middle School during ...

September 8, 2021
GAMS Students,
Are you interested in being a part of the GAMS Student Council this year ? Each GAMS homeroom will be selecting two students to represent their homeroom classro...

September 8, 2021
GAMS/GAHS Families:
Please see the attached video as a quick intro to our GAMS/GAHS P.TO . Go to Events for upcoming meetings . All are welcome! We are looking to u...

August 31, 2021
Hello GAMS students!
I hope this message finds you well. The yearbook staff is currently looking for a photo editor, copy editor, index editor, designer, photographer, and jo...

August 24, 2021
Greencastle Police Department is sponsoring a “ Fish With A Cop ” day on September 11, 2021 . If you are interested stop by the Guidance Office for a permission slip or click he...