PSSA Testing

Welcome to GAMS Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) Testing   


What is PSSA Testing?   
The annual Pennsylvania System School Assessment (PSSA) Testing is a standards-based, criterion-referenced assessment which provides students, parents, educators and citizens with an understanding of student and school performance related to the attainment of proficiency of the academic standards.  These standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science and Technology identify what a student should know and be able to do at varying grade levels.

Individual student scores, provided only to the school, can be used to assist teachers in identifying students who may be in need of additional educational opportunities, and school scores provide information to the school and the district for curriculum and instruction improvement discussions and planning. 

In compliance with  ยง4.51(a)(4) of the PA School Code the State Board of Education approved, "specific criteria for advanced, proficient, basic and below basic levels of performance." 

How are the PSSA Testing Results Used?  
The PSSA test results serve as important measures of your child's development and of your school's performance. Finally, this data is used to inform the student scheduling and course eligibility and selection process.

Additional Information

PSSA Testing Dates:    

  • April 23-25, 2024 - ELA (English Language Arts)

  • April 29-30, 2024 - Math

  • May 2-3, 2024 - Science (8th grade only)

Here are Some Tips to Help your Child Prepare for the Assessment:

  • Talk about it! Take the time to talk through things.

  • Stress that the test is only a way to check what they know.

  • Plan healthy and hearty meals and snacks.

  • Help your child get a good night's rest each evening before the exam.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast each morning of the exam.

  • Tell your child how proud you are of them.

 GAMS' breakfast is available for purchase.

  • Avoid scheduling appointments during testing dates and times.

  • Talk with your child about performing at his/her personal best.

  • To order breakfast contact Food Services here.

Counseling Staff

Fred Yelton
School Counselor

Katelynn Steed
School Counselor

Jessica Connor
Career Center Secretary